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24x30 inch
Ultra Large Format Camera
On Wheels.
制作と撮影 プログラム
今、プロジェクトで使っているカメラは8x10インチ フォーマットです。約 20x 25 cm ですが、カロタイプは現代のデジタルや近代写真の様に自由に拡大ができません。撮影で得た原版すなわち紙ネガと同じサイズの密着プリントです。
カロタイプは暗室で紙に感光剤を湿布しそれがまだ濡れているうちに撮影しなければなりません。それに加えて感度が低いので撮影時間が10〜20分もかかってしまいます。大きなフォトグラフを作る場合は何枚も繋がねばなりません。下図、Vernal Equinox 6コマの作品の様に2時間ほどの露光時間が必要で、好条件の被写体のみに限られてしまいます。これが大きなカメラが必要な理由です。
The camera I am currently using for the project is an 8x10" format. The calotype is about 20x25 cm, but it cannot be enlarged as freely as modern digital or modern photography. The prints are contact print ing of the same size as the original plates from the shoot.
The calotype must be photographed while the paper is still wet and moistened with a photosensitizing agent. In addition, the exposure time is 10 to 20 minutes because of the low sensitivity. For large photographic prints, many shots have to be strung together; a six-frame piece requires about two hours and is limited to only those subjects with favorable conditions.
This is why we need a large camera.
Vernal Equinox Southold, NY 2013
Huge Calotype Camera
On Wheels
The camera measures approximately 1 meter square and is 1.7 meters long at its longest point of use. Weighing 70 kg, the camera is not easily transportable, so it is mounted on a small truck that can maneuver easily in narrow alleys and mountainous terrain.
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